Projekte Deliberate Practice

Agile Competency-Based Learning for Individuals and Teams
Associated Partners
University Hospital Münster, Germany
Prof. Dr. Philipp Lenz: Medical Director of Central Palliative Care Centre of the Academic Medical Hospital Münster (Zentrale Einrichtung Palliativmedizin)
Florian Bernhardt: Resident at Central Palliative Care Centre
Dr. Tim Güß: Medical Director of UKM Trainingszentrum
UKM School for Nursing Professions & School for Nursing Assistants, Germany
Carola Peters: Deputy head of Nursing School
Karina Sensen: Vocational teacher
Münster Unversity of Applied Sciences (Fachhochschule Münster), Germany
Maike Schwermann: Department of Health (MDH), Skills Lab
Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Prof. Dr. Martin Haag: “GECKO Institut” for Medicine, Informatics and Economics
Academic Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Prof. Marieke van der Schaaf: Director of Utrecht Center for Research and Development of Health Professions
Kumla Municipality, Sweden
Erica Persson: The Academic nursing home Akvarellen